Study Abroad at TMU

Japanese Language Courses

For an overview of the Japanese course, please watch the following video.

1. Types of Classes Available:

Tokyo Metropolitan University welcomes students from around the world who come to study Japanese for various purposes. In addition to Japanese language-focused classes, we offer courses that use Japanese to deepen understanding of Japanese society and culture. For details on each course, please refer to the following “Japanese Program Course Guide & Syllabus”.

Japanese Language Class Scene

2. Class Locations:

Classes are conducted at both the “Minami-Osawa Campus” and “online”.

3. Eligibility for Participation:

Any international student at Tokyo Metropolitan University can participate.

4. Earning Credits:

Eligibility for earning credits varies depending on the type of class.

Course Eligible Students Course Registration & Credit
Practical Japanese Exchange students Credits can be awarded as the international exchange course.
Course registration required
Students will use Japanese Proficiency Self-Assessment Toollinkto evaluate their own Japanese language ability, and then select and register courses which match their levels.
Graduate students
Research students
Credits NOT awarded
Course registration NOT required
Japanese I & II Undergraduate students Credits awarded
Course registration required
Japanese for living and working in Japan
(Online Japanese)
Exchange students
Graduate students
Research students
Credits NOT awarded
Application required (cf. pdfJapanese Program Course Guide & Syllabus)
Students will use Japanese Proficiency Self-Assessment Toollink to evaluate their own Japanese language ability, and then select and register courses which match their levels.

Japanese Proficiency Self-Assessment Tool:

5. Course Levels and Overviews:

Japanese Course Level / Learning Goal Overview
Practical Japanese CEFR A1
Starter Level
This course is intended for total beginners learning Japanese for the first time. Students will acquire simple expressions and phrases for everyday use and will be able to engage in basic conversations, including self-introductions and shopping.
Elementary Level
To be able to understand simple expressions and phrases used in daily life, to read simple texts, and to write simple letters.
Level A2.2 is higher than A2.1.
Intermediate Level
To be able to understand expressions and phrases used in daily life, to hold simple conversations and discussions, to read simple documents, and to write their own comments.
Upper-intermediate Level
To be able to engage in complex conversations and discussions, to read texts from newspapers and magazines, and to write one's own opinions.
Advanced Level
To be able to engage in professional conversations and discussions, to read complex texts in newspapers and magazines, and to write down one's own opinions in detail.
Super-advanced Level
To be able to use the same level of sophisticated Japanese as native Japanese university students. Currently no class is available.
Japanese I Japanese Proficiency Test Level N1 Students will learn basic academic Japanese.
Japanese II Japanese Proficiency Test Level N1 or higher Students will learn comprehensive academic Japanese.
Japanese for living and working in Japan
(Online Japanese)
CEFR A1/A2.1/A2.2/B1
Starter to Intermediate Level
Refer to the description of the levels for “Practical Japanese” above.
This course is offered online.
Practical Japanese
Level / Learning Goal CEFR A1
Starter Level
Overview This course is intended for total beginners learning Japanese for the first time. Students will acquire simple expressions and phrases for everyday use and will be able to engage in basic conversations, including self-introductions and shopping.
Practical Japanese
Level / Learning Goal CEFR A2
Elementary Level
Overview To be able to understand simple expressions and phrases used in daily life, to read simple texts, and to write simple letters.
Level A2.2 is higher than A2.1.
Practical Japanese
Level / Learning Goal CEFR B1
Intermediate Level
Overview To be able to understand expressions and phrases used in daily life, to hold simple conversations and discussions, to read simple documents, and to write their own comments.
Practical Japanese
Level / Learning Goal CEFR B2
Upper-intermediate Level
Overview To be able to engage in complex conversations and discussions, to read texts from newspapers and magazines, and to write one's own opinions.
Practical Japanese
Level / Learning Goal CEFR C1
Advanced Level
Overview To be able to engage in professional conversations and discussions, to read complex texts in newspapers and magazines, and to write down one's own opinions in detail.
Practical Japanese
Level / Learning Goal CEFR C2
Super-advanced Level
Overview To be able to use the same level of sophisticated Japanese as native Japanese university students. Currently no class is available.
Japanese I
Level / Learning Goal Japanese Proficiency Test Level N1
Overview Students will learn basic academic Japanese.
Japanese II
Level / Learning Goal Japanese Proficiency Test Level N1 or higher
Overview Students will learn comprehensive academic Japanese.
Japanese for living and working in Japan (Online Japanese)
Level / Learning Goal CEFR A1/A2.1/A2.2/B1
Starter to Intermediate Level
Overview Refer to the description of the levels for “Practical Japanese” above.
This course is offered online.