International House

International House

International House is used for academic exchange programs and as accommodation for international researchers and international students of TMU, and is intended to be conducive to the advancement of international exchange in research and education at TMU.

Accommodation in International House

International House provides rooms for international researchers and rooms for international students (master’s and doctoral).

  • 1. Accommodation for international students (master’s and doctoral)

    We call for applications from international students regularly (around the autumn of each year for the following academic year accommodation) and additionally when vacancies occur. Application, room occupancy and other related information will be provided through the academic affairs sections of faculty/graduate schools and on our webpage “News & Topics,” or you may contact the International Affairs Office. E-mail: ih-syukuhaku* (Please replace * with @), TEL: 042-677-3001, Ext. 5726/5703.

    When a resident desires to extend the period of occupancy, the resident is required to submit a new application at the regular application time. Please note that even if the application satisfies the conditions, the extension is not always given.

  • 2. Accommodation for international researchers

    Please clicklinkhere for "International House Accommodation for international researchers Facility & User Guide"

(1) Provisional reservation
Make a provisional reservation more than one month before your scheduled check-in after contacting the International Affairs Office by telephone or other means to check room availability. (Contact: International Affairs Office; E-mail: ih-syukuhaku* (Please replace * with @), Tel. 042-677-4958 Ext. 5726/5703).
(2) Submission of Application for Accommodation Form
At least one month before your scheduled check-in, complete an linkApplication for Accommodation and submit it to the International Affairs Office.
(3) Sending of a Letter of Permission for Accommodation
The International Affairs Office will send a Letter of Permission to your host faculty. (Please consult with the reception staff of International House about move-in before you check in.)
(4) Check-In
Please pick up the key at the front desk on the day you enter. As a general rule, Entry and exit is only allowed on weekdays, and entry is requested by 3:00 p.m.
The following documents must be submitted to the front desk upon entering the room.
・All entrants: linkNotification of Check-In, linkwritten pledge for Network
・Entrants whose length of stay is less than one month: In addition to the above documents, please submit linkNotification of Check-Out
(5) Check-Out
Complete a linkNotification of Check-Out and submit it to the reception desk of International House at least one month prior to the check-out date (before the same day of the previous month).
As a general rule, we ask you to check out no later than 15:00 on a weekday.
(6) Extension of the Period of Occupancy (maximum 2 years from initial occupancy)
Ask the International Affairs Office to check whether it is possible to extend the period of occupancy as early as possible at least one month prior to the last day of the period of occupancy. If you are notified that an extension is available, please follow one of the following procedures. In case the extension period exceeds 10 days, please submit an linkApplication for Extension of Period of Occupancy to International Affairs Office. When the extension period is 10 days or less, a new application is not required. Please change the date of the Notification of Check-Out and submit it.

【Room rates】

Room rates are a flat rate. Includes utilities, etc. If you check in or check out in the middle of a month, you will be charged by the day. If rates change, the new rates will apply to current residents. (Only cash payment is valid. No credit cards are accepted.)

Room rates (monthly) Other services
Family room 79,770yen/month


1,300yen for the first week +140yen per day thereafter

Amenity set:

(Towel, soap, shampoo, conditioner):400yen
Couple room 55,420yen/month
Single room (A) 34,570yen/month
Single room (B) 34,970yen/month

Rates are as of academic year 2024.

【Use of the Internet】

Internet access using a LAN cable is available in each room.

Procedures for using exchange facilities
(conference rooms, lounge, seminar room, Japanese tea house, etc.)

1. Provisional reservation
At least two weeks before intended use, contact the reception desk of International House by telephone or other means to confirm availability and make a provisional reservation by E-mail. Please note that reservations can only be made by faculty and staff members.
(Contact: International House reception desk, Tel. 042-677-3001 ext. 5710 E-mail. kaikan* (replace * with @))
2. Submission of Application for Permission to Use Facilities
At least 2 weeks before intended use of facilities, please complete the form linkApplication for Permission to Use Facilities and submit it via e-mail to the reception desk of International House. (E-mail:kaikan*[replace * with @]
When using more than one time, please attach the schedule table linkSchedule table (for attachment).
When you wish to use the facilities on a weekend or holiday, please attach the form linkStatement of reasons for use on holidays and off-hours.
Notes on using the lounge
The entrance to the International Affairs Office, Conference Room, and Japanese tea house is a passageway.
Desks, chairs, and exhibits cannot be placed there. Please be aware of this.
3. Sending of Utilization Permission
The reception desk of International House will e-mail a Letter of Permission to the applicant.
4. During use
Please notify the reception desk of International House before using. To use the facilities on a weekend or holiday, please consult with the reception desk beforehand and obtain a key and any other necessary items.
linkList of equipment provided in large and small conference rooms (in Japanese)
5. After use
After returning the room to the original state, return the key and any other borrowed items to the reception desk.

Download Forms

Forms for Accommodation

  • 〇Application for Accommodation(linkPDF / linkWord)
  • 〇Notification of Check-In(linkPDF / linkWord)
  • 〇Written Pledge for Network(linkPDF)
  • 〇Application for Extension of Period of Occupancy(linkPDF / linkWord)
  • 〇Application for Resident’s Family Accommodation(linkPDF / linkWord)
  • 〇Notification of Check-Out(linkPDF / linkWord)

Forms for Exchange Facilities

  • 〇Application for Permission to Use Facilities(linkWord)
  • 〇Schedule (for attachment)(linkExcel)
  • 〇Statement of Reasons for Weekend Use(linkExcel)


  • 〇Regarding accommodations reservations and permission
  • 〇Regarding International House administration

International Relations Section

International Affairs office
(Tel.) 042-677-4958 Ext. 5726/5703

(Hours) 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Mon.-Fri.
(E-mail) ih-syukuhaku*
(Replace * with @)

  • 〇Regarding your stay (check-in through check-out)
  • 〇Regarding reservation, application, and utilization of exchange facilities

Reception Desk, International House
(Tel.) 042-677-3001 Ext. 5710
(Hours) 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, Mon.-Fri.
(E-mail) kaikan*
(Replace * with @)

International House Address

1-3 Minamiosawa, Hachioji-City, Tokyo 192-0364